What kinds of things do you send your kittens home with and what kinds of things do I need to have at home?
I send the kitten home with all his papers, health records, and two types of food. I feed Royal Canin Baby Cat and Purina Kitten Chow. Royal Canin is a premium food with a premium price to go with it...and Purina Kitten Chow can be bought at Walmart or Safeway for $7.00 for a big bag...Purina is a completely balance diet it just has more fillers so the kittens poop more. But when I release a kitten I do not know the budget of the family who is taking it so I plan for both income brackets. What ever you choose to feed your little one...mix 1/2 and 1/2 with what I provide, that way the little one does not get sick from a change in diet.
You would need a kennel for transporting him, a litter box, the kitten is used to using Scoopaway, a litter scoop, food and water dishes and a bed...the kitten will probably use yours more than his or her own.
A climbing tower with scratching post. (The taller the better according to all my kitties.. and ones with a hidy holeat the top are the best!!)
Fishing Lure type toys for interactive play
Individual play toys for individual play (feathers and fabric are more fun than plastic balls, and catnip toys are yummy.)
A Fountain to keep the water fresh. At Paz 4 Play we use a 10gallon fish tank pump with a 30day filter, a ceramic decorative bowl and glass rocks so that the fountain is only needs to have water added as the level declines for 30 days then we clean it add another filter and done...
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