Happy New Year Everyone, I hope you had a wonderful holiday season.
Here at Paz 4 Play we have been very busy with out of town military (Army)
in for 2-3 weeks for the Holidays.
I believe that family is the most important thing that we can have, so please excuse my inattentiveness to my blog and website during the holiday season. The preparation was well worth the joy of having a full house of family...some who had not seen each other in 10 years. God Bless us one and all.

My youngest daughter Brandy, who is an MP (center), my nephew who is more of a son to us, is Jeremy a Combat Engeneer (left), with one tour in Iraq completed and a new one at the end of January starting in Germany on his way to Afganistan, and another Daughter Sara (right) who is a mechanic that will be going to Afganistan with an MP Battalion, in August and a number of "battle buddies" decended on Casa Paz4Play for almost three weeks of what I think of as heaven. Please pray for the safety of our troops and family member who will be in harms way. You don't often think of the price we pay for freedom until it is staring you in the face in the form of young adults who are willing to fight for it. I could not be prouder of my children, this includes those who are not in the militay but have good jobs, healthy self respect, and kind hearts, (Danielle, Oliver, Ian, Cynthia)